
Oryx dammah (Cretzschmar, 1826)

Scimitar-horned oryx, Sahara oryx



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Antilope dammah Cretzschmar, 1826 (protonym)


Conservation Status

Extinct in the wild

Last record: late 1980s-early 1990s

IUCN status: Extinct in the Wild



North Africa


Anatomy & Morphology

Body mass: 177.6kg (Wimberly, 2023:SI:9)


Biology & Ecology




USNM 449934 (Wimberly, 2023:SI:7)

USNM 575162 (Wimberly, 2023:SI:7)

USNM A35256 (Wimberly, 2023:SI:7)






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