
Hippopotamus melitensis Major, 1902



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status


Last record: Late Pleistocene





Biology & Ecology










Caloi, L., Palombo, M.R., 1983. Osservazioni sugli ippopotami nani delle isole del Mediterraneo. Geologica Romana 22: 45-83.

Capasso Barbato, L. and Petronio, C. (1983). Considerazioni sistematiche e filogenetiche su Hippopotamus melitensis Major, 1902. Atti della Società Italiana  di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano 124: 281-290.

Hunt, Christopher O. and Schembri, Patrick J. (1999). Quaternary environments and biogeography of the Maltese Islands, pp. 41-75. In: Mifsud, A. and Savona Ventura, C. (eds.). Facets of Maltese Prehistory. Malta: The Prehistoric Society of Malta, vii + 243 pp.

Maempel, G. Z. (1993). Skeletal pathology and congenital variations in the Maltese Pleistocene hippopotamus. Journal of Zoology 231: 157-162. [Abstract]

Marra, A. C. (1998). Ippopotami insulari del Pleistocene del Mediterraneo. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Modena, Italy, XI cycle.

Marra, Antonella Cinzia. (2005). Pleistocene Hippopotamuses of Mediterranean islands: looking for ancestors. InALcoVER, J.A. & BOVER, P. (eds.): Proceedings of the International Symposium "Insular VertebrateEvolution: thePalaeontological Approach': Monografies de la Societatd'Història Natural de les Balears 12: 193-204.

Turvey, Samuel T. (2009). In the shadow of the megafauna: prehistoric mammal and bird extinctions across the Holocene, pp. 17-39. In: Turvey, Samuel T. (ed.). Holocene Extinctions. New York: Oxford University Press.


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