
Gazella saudiya Carruthers & Schwarz, 1935:155

Saudi gazelle, Saudi Arabian dorcas gazelle



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Gazella dorcas saudiya Carruthers & Schwarz, 1935:155


The Saudi gazelle has not been seen for many years, and specimens in captivity originally thought to be G. saudiya have proved to be other species, including hybrids of separate species (not including G. saudiya).


Conservation Status


Last record: 1936 (Fisher & Blomberg, 2012); 1946; 1970 (Mallon et al., 2023:9)

IUCN RedList status: Extinct



Jordan (prehistoric), Kuwait (isolated report), Saudi Arabia & Yemen


Biology & Ecology




18 specimens are in the Natural History Museum, London (NHM):



NHM40.301 to 315


Note: For a fuller account see (Hammond et. al. 2001, Table 1 and p.1128)






Original scientific description:

Carruthers, D. and Schwarz, E. (1935). On a new gazelle from central Arabia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1935: 155-156.


Other references:

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Fisher, Diana O. and Blomberg, Simon P. (2012). Inferring Extinction of Mammals from Sighting Records, Threats, and Biological Traits. Conservation Biology 26(1): 57-67.

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Hammond, R. L., Macasero, W., Flores, B., Mohammed, O,B., Wacher, T. and Bruford, M. W. (2001). Phylogenetic reanalysis of the Saudi gazelle and its implications for conservation. Conservation Biology 15(4): 1123-1133.

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Rebholz, W. E. R. and Harley, E. H. 1997. Cytochrome b Sequences from the Endangered Saudi Gazelle (Gazella saudiya) Suggest Hybridization with Chinkara (G. bennetti). Conservation Biology 11(1): 251-255.

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