
Elaphurus davidianus Milne-Edwards, 1866

Pere David's deer, Père David's deer, Milu



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status

Extinct in the Wild (Jiang & Harris, 2016)

Last record: 1939 (Jiang & Harris, 2016)

IUCN RedList status: Extinct in the Wild





Anatomy & Morphology

Body mass: 163.3kg (Wimberly, 2023:SI:10)


Biology & Ecology




WAM 2847 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981)

WAM 10709 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981)

FMNH 60624 (Wimberly, 2023:SI:7)

FMNH 74176 (Wimberly, 2023:SI:7)

FMNH 91189 (Wimberly, 2023:SI:7)

USNM 307612 (Wimberly, 2023:SI:7)

USNM 396592 (Wimberly, 2023:SI:7)






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