
Catagonus wagneri (Rusconi, 1930:231)

Chacoan peccary, Chaco peccary, Giant Chaco peccary, Tagua



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Platygonus (Parachoerus) carlesi wagneri Rusconi, 1930:231; Platygonus wagneri (Rusconi, 1930:231)


Conservation Status

Last record: subfossil

Rediscovered in 1971; 1974 (Thornback & Jenkins, 1982:451)

IUCN RedList status: Endangered


Originally described in 1930 from pre-Hispanic archaeological remains, it was discovered as a living animal in 1971 (Wetzel et al. 1975).



Chaco area, Paraguay (western), Bolivia (southeastern) & Argentina (northern)


Biology & Ecology










Original scientific description:

Rusconi, C. (1930). Las especies fósiles argentinas de pecaries (Tayassuidae) y sus relaciones con las del Brasil y Norte America. An. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. "Bernardino Rivadavia" 36: 121-241.


Other references:

Altrichter, M. 2005. The sustainability of subsistence hunting of peccaries in the Argentine Chaco. Biological Conservation 126: 351–362.

Altrichter, M. 2006. Interacciones entre la gente y la fauna en el Chaco Argentino. Secretaria de ambiente y desarrollo sostenible, Wildlife Trust, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Altrichter, M. and Boaglio, G.I. 2004. Distribution and relative abundance of peccaries in the Argentine Chaco: associations with human factors. Biological Conservation 116: 217-225.

Altrichter M, Desbiez A, Camino M and Decarre J. 2016a. Pecarí del Chaco o Tagua (Catagonus wagneri). Una estrategia para su conservación. UICN/SSC Grupo de Especialistas en Pecaríes, Asunción.

Altrichter M, Saldívar S, Decarre J, Camino M, Yanosky A, Campos Krauer JM, Desbiez A, Leus K, Ferraz KM, Silva Angelieri CC, Cuéllar RL, Arévalos F, Cartes JL, Giordano AJ, Thompson J, Velilla M, Torres R, Neris N and Cabral H. 2016b. Situación de conservación del pecarí del Chaco o Tagua (Catagonus wagneri): Distribución, aptitud de hábitat y viabilidad poblacional. Paraquaria Natural 4(2): 30­39.

Altrichter, M., Taber, A., Noss, A., Maffei, L. and Campos, J. (2014). Catagonus wagneri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.1. ( Downloaded on 21 June 2015.

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Available at:

Maffei, L., Cullar, R.L. and Banegas, J. 2008. Distribución del Solitario (Cataognus wagneri) en Bolivia. Ecología en Bolivia 43(2): 141-145.

Mayer, John J. and Brandt, P.N. 1982. Identity, distribution, and history of the peccaries, Tayassuidae. In: M. A. Mares and H. H. Genoways (eds), Mammalian Biology in South America, pp. 433-455. Special Publications Series, Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecolology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA.

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New York Times, 7 September, 1975

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