
Bubalus murrensis murrensis Berckhemer, 1927

European water buffalo



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Buffelus murrensis Berckhemer, 1927 (original combination)


Conservation Status


Last record: Late Pleistocene



Europe (Germany, Italy and the Netherlands)


Biology & Ecology




The right horn core of a bovid was redescribed by (Cassoli & Segre, 2004) and assigned to Bubalus murrensis. However, it was subsequently re-assigned to Hemibos galerianus by (Martinez-Navarro & Palombo, 2007).






Original scientific description:

Berckhemer, F. (1927). Buffelus murrensis n. sp. Ein diluvialer Buffelschadel von Steinheim a. d. Murr. jh. h. Verh. Vaterl. Nat.kde. Wurtt. 83: 146-158.


Other references:

Burchak-Abramovich, N. I. (1952). The finding of the fossil water buffalo (Bubalus) in the Caucasus. Izvestija Academii Nauk Azerbajanskof SSR 2: 63-75.

Cassoli, P. F. and Segre, A. G. (2004). Bubalus murrensis Berk. nel Pleistocene Romano. Quaternaria Nova 7: 129-138.

Dam, I. van; Mol, D.; Vos, J. de and Reumer, J.W.F. (1997). De eerste vondst van de Europese waterbuffel, Bubalus murrensis (Berckhemer, 1927) in Nederland. Cranium 14(1): 49-54.

Franzen, J. L. and Koenigswald, W. (1979). Erste Funde vom Wasserbüffel (Bubalus murrensis) aus pleistozänen Schottern des nördlichen Oberrhein-Grabens. Senckenbergiana Lethaea 60: 253-263.

Koenigswald, Wighart v. (1986). BeziehungendespleistozänenWasserbüffels (Bubalus murrensis) aus Europa zu den asiatischen Wasserbüffeln. Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 51: 312-323.

Koenigswald, Wighart v., Schwermann, Achim H.,Keiter, Mark and Menger, Frank. (In Press, 2019). First evidence of Pleistocene Bubalus murrensis in France and the stratigraphic occurrences of Bubalus in Europe. Quaternary International 522: 85-93. [Abstract]

Martinez-Navarro, Bienvenido and Palombo, Maria Rita. (2007). The horn-core of Hemibos galerianus from Ponte Milvio, Rome (Italy). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 113(3): 531-534.

Schreiber, H. Dieter. (2004). Finds of Bubalus murrensis (Bovinae, Mammalia) from the Upper Rhine Valley: a focus on the complex sedimentological conditions of a Quaternary fluviatile system. Terra Nostra 2004/2, 18th International Senckenbergh Conference, Weimar.

Schreiber, H. Dieter and Munk, W. (2002). Ein Schädelfragment von Bubalus murrensis (Berckhemer, 1927) (Mammalia, Bovinae) aus dem Pleistozän von Bruschal-Büchenau (NO-Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemburg) [Translation: "A skull fragment of Bubalus murrensis (BERCKHEIMER, 1927)(Mammalia, Bovinae) from the Pleistocene of Bruchsal-Buchenau (NE-Karlsruhe, SW-Germany).(Mit 4 Abbildungen und 1 Tabelle)."]. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie-Monatshefte 12: 737-738.

Schreiber, H. Dieter and Munk, W. (2004). A skull fragment of Bubalus murrensis (Berckhemer, 1927) (Mammalia, Bovidae) from the Pleistocene of Bruschal-Buchenau (NE-Karlsruhe, SW-Germany). Neues Jahrb. Geol. Palaeontol. Monat. 12: 737-748.

Segre, A. G. and Biddittu, I. (2009). Pleistocene moyen et inferieur dans le Latium (Italie centrale). Anthropologie 113(1): 59-65.

Van Kolfschoten, Th. (1995). On the application of fossil mammals to the reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment of northwestern Europe. Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 38: 73-84.

Van Kolfschoten, Th. (2000). The Eemian mammal fauna of central Europe. Geologie en Mijnbouw / Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 79(2/3): 269-281.

Vislobokova, I. A. et al. (2020a). First Discovery of the European Buffalo Bubalus murrensis (Artiodactyla, Bovidae) from the Pleistocene of the Russian Plain. Doklady Biological Sciences 491: 31-34. [Abstract]

Vislobokova, I. A. et al. (2020b). The New Subspecies of the European Water Buffalo (Artiodactyla, Bovidae) from the Upper Pleistocene of the Russian Plain. Paleontological Journal 54: 662-670. [Abstract]

Vislobokova, I. A., Lopatin, A. V., Tarasenko, K. K. and Ziegler, R. (2021). An unexpected record of an extinct water buffalo Bubalus murrensis (Berckhemer, 1927) in the last glacial in Europe and its implication for dispersal pattern of this species. Quaternary International 574: 127-136. [Abstract]


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