
Bison antiquus Leidy, 1852

Ancient bison



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonymy: "Bison antiquus taylori Hay and Cook 1928, Bison californicus Rhoads 1897, Bison figginsi Hay and Cook 1928, Bison kansensis McClung 1905, Bison oliverhayi Figgins 1933, Bison pacificus Hay 1927, Bison taylori Hay and Cook 1928, Bison texanus Hay and Cook 1928, Bos scaphoceras, Ovis scaphoceras , Simobison figginsi Hay and Cook 1928, Stelabison taylori Hay and Cook 1928"



Conservation Status


Last record: c. 8,000 BC



USA (at least 12 states)


Biology & Ecology










Original scientific description:

Leidy, Joseph (1852). Bison antiquus. Proceedings Academy of Natural Science 6: 117.

Other references:

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