
Australasian palaeontology: A bibliography of books, booklets and book-like publications




Krefft, Gerard. (1870). Guide to the Australian Fossil Remains, Exhibited by the Trustees of The Australian Museum, and Arranged and Named by Gerard Krefft, F.L.S., Curator and Secretary. Sydney: F. White, Government Printer.



Koninck, Laurent G. de (1876). Recherches sur les fossiles paleozoiques de la Nouvelle Galles du Sud (Australie). Bruxelles: F. Hayez. 373 pp. [1876-1877 dated edition (without title page border) (Google Books); 1876-1877 dated edition (with title page border) (Google Books); Google Translate: "Research on Paleozoic fossils from New South Wales (Australia)"]



Owen, Richard. (1877). Researches on the fossil remains of the extinct mammals of Australia: with a notice of the extinct marsupials of England, 2 vols. London: J. Erxleben. ["V. 1 (text): xv, [1], 522 p., [1] folded leaf of plates on cloth : ill. ; 29 cm. -- v. 2 (plates): 9, [1] p., CXXXI leaves of plates (some folded) : ill. ; 33 cm." (source: BHL)]



Etheridge, Robert. (1878). A catalogue of Australian fossils: (including Tasmania and the Island of Timor): stratigraphically and zoologically arranged. Cambridge University Press. viii + 232 pp.



Owen, Richard. (1879). Memoirs on the extinct wingless birds of New Zealand: with an appendix on those of England, Australia, Newfoundland, Mauritius, and Rodriguez, 2 vols. London: John Van Voorst. [Vol. 1 (text); Vol. 2 (plates)]



Jack, Robert L. and Etheridge, Robert. (1892). The geology and palaeontology of Queensland and New Guinea, with sixty-eight plates and a geological map of Queensland, 2 vols. Brisbane: James Charles Beal, Govt. Prt. / London: Dulau and Co.



Etheridge, Robert. (1903). Palaeontological contributions to the geology of Western Australia. Descriptions of carboniferous fossils from the Gascoyne district, Western Australia. Geological Survey of Western Australia, Bulletin 10: 1-41, 5 pls.



Etheridge, Robert. (1913). Palaeontological contributions to the geology of Western Australia. [Pt.] 4 [Cretaceous fossils of the Gingin chalk]. Geological Survey of Western Australia, Bulletin 55: 1-34 + 4 pls.



Chapman, Frederick M. (1914). Australasian fossils: a students' manual of palaeontology. Melbourne: G. Robertson Property Limited.

Etheridge, Robert. (1914). Palaeontological contributions to the geology of Western Australia. Series 5, no. 10 [Western Australian carboniferous fossils, chiefly from Mount Marmion, Lennard River, West Kimberley]. Geological Survey of Western Australia, Bulletin 58: 1-59.



Howchin, Walter. (1925-1930). The building of Australia and the succession of life: with special reference to South Australia, parts I-III. Adelaide: Government Printer. 750 pp. ["Dates of publication: Part 1, pp. 1-203, published 1925; Part 2, pp. 204-448, published 1928; Part 3, pp. 449-750, published 1930" (source)]



Chapman, Frederick. (1929). Illustrated guide to the collection of fossils exhibited in the National Museum of Victoria. Melbourne : H. J. Green, Govt. Printer. x + 55 pp.



Chapman, Frederick M. (1934). The book of fossils. Sydney: Shakespeare Head Press. xi + 125 pp.



David, T. W. Edgeworth and Tillyard, R. J. (1936). Memoir on fossils of the late Pre-Cambrian (Newer Proterozoic) from the Adelaide series, South Australia. Sydney: Angus & Robertson in conjunction with the Royal Society of New South Wales. xi + 122 pp. + 13 pls. [published in the UK (London) by the Australian Book Co.]



Crespin, Irene. (1947). Foraminifera in the Permian rocks of Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 15. 1-31.



Laseron, Charles F. (1954). Ancient Australia; the story of its past geography and life. Sydney: Angus and Robertson. 210 pp.



Dickins, J. M. (1956). Permian pelecypods from the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 29. 42 pp., 6 pls.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Crockford, Joan. (1957). Permian Bryozoa from the Fitzroy Basin, Western Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 34: 1-136.

Coleman, Patrick J. (1957). Permian Productacea of Western Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 40. 188 pp., 3 pls.

Dickins, J. M. (1957). Lower Permian pelecypods and gastropods from the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 41: 1-74.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Crespin, Irene. (1958). Permian foraminifera of Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 48: 1-207.

Thomas, G. A. (1958). The Permian Orthotetacea of Western Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 39: 1-158.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Brunnschweiler, Rudolf O. (1959). New aconeceratinae (ammonoidea) from the Alkian and Aptian of Australia. Canberra: Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics. 19 pp.

Veevers, John J. (1959). Devonian and Carboniferous brachiopods from north-western Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 55: 1-42.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Belford, D. J. (1960). Upper Cretaceous foraminifera from the Toolonga Calcilutite and Gingin Chalk, Western Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 57: 1-198.

Brunnschweiler, Rudolf O. (1960). Marine fossils from the Upper Jurassic and the Lower Cretaceous of Dampier Peninsula, Western Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 59: 1-52.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Ross, June Phillips. (1961). Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian bryozoa of Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 50: 1-172.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Crespin, Irene. (1963). Lower Cretaceous arenaceous Foraminifera of Australia. Bull. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geophys. Australia. 66: 1-110.

Dickins, J. M. (1963). Permian pelecypods and gastropods from Western Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 63: 1-202.

Skwarko, S. K. (1963). Australian Mesozoic trigoniids. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 67: 1-55.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Campbell, K. S. W. (1965). Australian Permian terebratuloids. Perth, W.A.: Govt. Printer, Western Australia. vi + 146 pp.

Cox, L. R. (1965). The molluscan fauna and probable Lower Cretaceous age of the Nanutarra Formation of Western Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 61: 1-52.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Brunnschweiler, Rudolf O. (1966). Upper Cretaceous ammonites from the Carnarvon Basin of Western Australia. 1, The Heteromorph Lytoceratina. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 58: 1-58.


Popular science:

Mincham, Hans and Houston, Terry (illustrator). (1966). Vanished giants of Australia. Adelaide: Rigby. 84 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Playford, Geoffrey and Cornelius, Kenneth D. (1967). Palynological and lithostratigraphic features of the Razorback beds, Mount Morgan District, Queensland. Brisbane: University of Queensland Press.

Runnegar, Bruce. (1967). Desmodont bivalves from the Permian of eastern Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 96: 1-108.

Stirton, Ruben A., Woodburne, M. O. and Plane, M. D. (1967). Tertiary Diprotodontidae from Australia and New Guinea. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 85. viii + 159 pp.

Skwarko, Stanislaw K. (1967). Mesozoic mollusca from Australia and New Guinea. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 75. x + 100 pp.

Woodburne, M. O. (1967). The Alcoota Fauna, Central Australia: an integrated palaeontological and geological study. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 87. ix + 187 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Belford, D. J. (1968). Permian Foraminifera from BMR Bores 6, 7, 8, and 9, Western Australia. Australian Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 80: 1-13.

Hornibrook, N de B. (1968). A Handbook of New Zealand Microfossils. (Foraminifera and Ostracoda): New Zealand Geological Survey Handbook. Wellington: Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. 136 pp.

Opik, A. A. (1968). Ordian (Cambrian) Crustacea Bradoriida of Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 103: 1-44.

Stirton, Ruben A., Tedford, Richard H. and Woodburne, Michael O. (1968). Australian tertiary deposits containing terrestial mammals (University of California publications in geological sciences v. 77). Berkeley, University of California Press. 30 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Campbell, K. S. W. (1969). Stratigraphy and palaeontology: essays in honour of Dorothy Hill. Canberra: Australian National University Press.

Hill, Dorothy and Jell, J. S. (1969). Devonian Corals from Ukalunda\t, Geologicial Survey of Queensland Publication 340: 1-27.

Lindsay, J. M. (1969). Cainozoic foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Adelaide Plains Sub-Basin, South Australia. Geological Survey of South Australia Bulletin 42: 1-60.

Shergold, J. H. (1969). Oryctocephalidae (Trilobita: Middle Cambrian) of Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 104: 1-66.


Popular science:

Laseron, Charles F., revised by Brunnschweiler, Rudolf O. (1969). Ancient Australia; the story of its past geography and life (revised edition). Sydney: Angus and Robertson. 253 pp. [US version published by Taplinger Pub. Co. with same title]



Monographs/technical volumes:

Hill, Dorothy and Jell, John S. (1970). Devonian corals from the Canning Basin, Western Australia. Geological Survey of Western Australia Bulletin 121: 1-157.

Opik, Armin A. (1970). Redlichia of the Ordian (Cambrian) of Northern Australia and New South Wales. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 114: 1-66.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Roberts, John. (1971). Devonian and Carboniferous brachiopods from the Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Northwestern Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics Bulletin 122.

Thomas, G. A. (1971). Carboniferous and early Permian brachiopods from Western and Northern Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics Bulletin 56. vi + 276 pp.


Children's books:

Mincham, Hans and Richardson, Rich (illustrator). (1971). Prehistoric Australia (An Australian golden book). Sydney: Golden Press. 63 pp. [published in 1976 by Lloyd O'Neil; published in 1979 by Budget Books in association with Lloyd O'Neil; published in 1983 by Lloyd O'Neil for Currey O'Neil]



Monographs/technical volumes:

Bate, R. H. (1972). Upper Cretaceous Ostracoda from the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. Special Papers in Palaeontology 10. v + 85 pp., 42 figs, 27 pls, 2 tables.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Cookson, Isabel C., Glover, John E. and Playford, Geoffrey. (1973). Mesozoic and cainozoic palynology: essays in honour of Isabel Cookson. Special publication (Geological Society of Australia) no. 4. Canberra: Geological Society of Australia. x + 211 pp.


Children's books:

Stone, Douglas M. (1973). Golden stamp book of Australian fossils. Gladesville, N.S.W.: Golden Press. 48 pp.



Popular science:

Pledge, Neville S. (1974). Fossils of the Flinders and Mount Lofty Ranges. Adelaide: Govt. Pr. 13 pp., 8 pls.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Neale, John W. (1975). The Ostracod fauna from the Santonian Chalk (Upper Cretaceous) of Gingin, Western Australia. Special Papers in Palaeontology 16: v + 125 pp.

Quilty, Patrick G. (1975). An annotated bibliography of the palaeontology of Western Australia, 1814-1974. Perth: Govt. Pr. 263 pp.


Children's books:

Stone, Douglas M. and Bawden, Sharman N. (1975). Australian Fossils (An Australian Golden Pocket Guide). Golden Press. 111 pp. [republished in 1979 by Lloyd O’Neil]



Monographs/technical volumes:

Pojeta, John and Gilbert-Tomlinson, Joyce. (1977). Australian Ordovician pelecypod molluscs. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 174: 1-64.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Belford, D. J. and Scheibnerova, V. (compilers). (1978). The Crespin volume: essays in honour of Irene Crespin. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 192. ix + 172 pp.

Grey, Kathleen. (1978). Devonian atrypid brachiopods from the reef complexes of the Canning Basin. Perth: Geological Survey of Western Australia. iii + 70 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Nicoll, Robert S. and Druce, E. C. (1979). Conodonts from the Fairfield Group, Canning Basin, Western Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 190. v + 134 pp.

Tasch, P. and Jones, P. J. (1979). Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic conchostracans of Australia: three new studies. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 185. vii + 47 pp., 7 pls.

Vickers-Rich, Patricia. (1979). The Dromornithidae, an extinct family of large ground birds endemic to Australia. Bulletin of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics 184: 1-196.



Popular science:

Pledge, Neville S. (1980). Vertebrate Fossils of South Australia. Adelaide: South Australian Museum. 11 pp., 8 pls. [reprint; Extract from "S.A. Year Book, 1980"]



Monographs/technical volumes:

Opik, Armin A. (1982). Dolichometopid trilobites of Queensland, Northern Territory and New South Wales. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 175. v + 85 pp. + 32 pls.

Playford, G., Rigby, J. F. and Archibald, D. C. (1982). A Middle Triassic flora from the Moolayember Formation, Bowen Basin, Queensland. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland Dept. of Mines.

Vickers-Rich, Patricia and Thompson, E. M. (eds.). (1982). The Fossil vertebrate record of Australasia. Clayton, Victoria: Monash University. xiii + 759 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Roberts, J. and Jell, P. A. (1983). Dorothy Hill Jubilee Memoir: proceedings of a meeting organised by the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, a specialist group of the Geological Society of Australia Inc., at the University of Queensland, 9th and 10th September, 1982. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 1. 371 pp., 47 pls.

Vickers-Rich, Patricia and Thompson, E. M. (eds.). (1983). The Fossil vertebrate record of Australasia (revised ed.). Clayton, Victoria: Monash University Offset Printing Unit.


Popular science:

Quirk, Susan and Archer, Michael (eds.), with Schouten, Peter (illustrator). (1983). Prehistoric animals of Australia. Sydney: Australian Museum. 80 pp.

Sadler, Tony, Pledge, Neville S. and Morris, Beryl. (1983). Fossils of Southern Australia. Part 1. Sea urchins of the Murray River cliffs. Seaton, S. Aust.: Quoll Enterprises for T. Sadler. xxx + 34 pp.


Children's books:

Mackness, Brian and Wright, Ken (illustrator). (1983). Dinosaurs & ancient Australia (Australian golden project book). Sydney: Golden Press. 24 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Cockbain, A. E. (1984). Stromatoporoids from the Devonian reef complexes, Canning Basin, Western Australia. Geological Survey of Western Australia Bulletin 129. viii + 107 pp.

Gravestock, David I. (1984). Archaeocyatha from lower parts of the lower Cambrian carbonate sequence in South Australia. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 2: 1-139.


Popular science:

Laseron, Charles F., revised by Brunnschweiler, Rudolf O. (1984). Ancient Australia; the story of its past geography and life (second revised edition). London; Sydney: Angus and Robertson. x + 342 pp., 40 pls.

Ludbrook, Nelly H. (1984). Quaternary molluscs of South Australia. Adelaide: Dept. of Mines and Energy. 327 pp.

Murray, Peter. (1984). Australia's prehistoric animals. Sydney, N.S.W.: Methuen Australia. 32 pp. [reprinted in 1985]


Children's books:

White, Mary E. and Dunphy, Dorothy (illustrator). (1984). Australia's prehistoric plants & their environment. Sydney: Methuen Australia. 32 pp. [also a 1985 edition]



Monographs/technical volumes:

Cooper, Roger. (1985). Hornibrook Symposium: extended abstracts. Lower Hutt, N.Z.: New Zealand Geological Survey, Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research. 109 pp.

Lindsay, J. Murray (ed.). (1985). Stratigraphy, palaeontology, malacology: papers in honour of Dr. Nell Ludbrook (Special publication (South Australia. Department of Mines and Energy) no. 5). Parkside: Dept. Mines and Energy, South Australia. viii + 387.


Popular science:

McNamara, Ken, Murray, Peter and Ruse, Jill (illustrator). (1985). Prehistoric Mammals of Western Australia. Perth: The Western Australian Museum. 32 pp.

Pledge, Neville S. (1985). Fossils of the Flinders and Mount Lofty Ranges (2nd ed.). Adelaide: South Australian Museum. 26 pp.

Vickers-Rich, P., Van-Tets, G. F. and Knight, F. (eds.), with Knight, Frank (illustrator). (1985). Kadimakara: Extinct vertebrates of Australia. Victoria, Australia: Pioneer Design Studio.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Jell, P. A. and Roberts, J. (eds.). (1986). Plants and invertebrates from the Lower Cretaceous Koonwarra fossil bed, South Gippsland, Victoria. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 3: i-x, 1-205.

Vickers-Rich, Patricia and Thompson, E. M. (eds.). (1986). The Fossil vertebrate record of Australasia (second revised ed.). Clayton, Victoria: Monash University Offset Printing Unit.

Woodburne, M. O. and Clemens, W. A. (eds.). Revision of the Ektopodontidae (Mammalia; Marsupialia; Phalangeroidea) of the Australian Neogene. University of California Publications in Geological Sciences Vol. 131.


Popular science:

Archer, Michael, Hand, Suzanne J. and Godthelp, Henk. (1986). Uncovering Australia's Dreamtime. Surrey Beatty & Sons.

White, Mary E. (1986). The Greening of Gondwana: The 400 Million Year Story of Australia's Plants. Reed Books. [US version published by Princeton University Press as 'The Flowering of Gondwana', which was itself reprinted in 1990; second edition (1995); third edition (1998)]



Monographs/technical volumes:

Jell, Peter A. (ed.). (1987). Studies in Australian Mesozoic palynology. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 4: 1-341.


Popular science:

Hand, Suzanne J. and Archer, Michael (eds.), with Schouten, Peter (illustrator). (1987). The Antipodean Ark: creatures from prehistoric Australia. North Ryde, N.S.W.: Angus & Robertson. 90 pp.

Mackness, Brian. (1987). Prehistoric Australia: 4000 million years of evolution in Australia. Sydney: Golden Press. 192 pp.


Children's books:

Breidahl, Harry and Knight, Frank (illustrator). (1987). Gifts from Gondwanaland: the story of ancient Australia. South Melbourne: Macmillan Australia. 32 pp.

Rich, Leaellyn S. and Vickers-Rich, Patricia. (1987). Australian armoured fish and their world (the palaeozoic) (Australian golden project book). Sydney: Golden Press. 24 pp.

Vickers-Rich, Patricia. (1987). Australian dinosaurs and their world (the Mesozoic) (Australian golden project book). Sydney: Golden Press. 24 pp.

Vickers-Rich, Patricia, Rich, Leaellyn S., Scott, Bronwyn (illustrator), Knight, Frank (illustrator) and Gelt, Draga (illustrator). (1987). Australia's prehistoric birds and carnivorous kangaroos and their world (the cainozoic). Sydney: Golden Press. 24 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Jell, P. A. (ed.). (1988). Devonian and Carboniferous fish studies. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 7: 1-144.

Jell, P. A. and Playford, G. (eds.). (1988). Palynological and palaeobotanical studies in honour of Basil E. Balme. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 5: 1-341.

Veron, J. E. N. and Kelley, R. (1988). Species stability in reef corals of Papua New Guinea and the Indo-Pacific. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 6: 1-69.


Popular science:

Higgins, Geoff and Hermes, Neil. (1988). Australia, the land time forgot: the origins of our land, plants and animals. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Child & Associates. 144 pp.


Children's books:

Pride, Marilyn and Molnar, Ralph E. (1988). Australian dinosaurs and their relatives. Sydney: Collins Australia in association with Anne Ingram Books. 30 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Jell, P. A. and Pickett, J. W. (eds.). (1989). Fossil Cnidaria 5: proceedings of the fifth International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria, including Archaeocyatha and Spongiomorphs held in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 25-29 July 1988. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 8: 1-438.

Jones, P. J. (1989). Lower Carboniferous Ostracoda (Beyrichicopida and Kirkbyocopa) from the Bonaparte Basin, northwestern Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 228. vi + 97 pp.


Popular science:

Anderson Atholl J. (1989). Prodigious Birds: Moas and Moa-Hunting in Prehistoric New Zealand. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [sample pages]



Monographs/technical volumes:

Bengtson, S., Conway Morris, S., Cooper, B. J., Jell, P. A. and Runnegar, B. N. (1990). Early Cambrian fossils from South Australia. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 9: 1-364.

Jell, P. A. (ed.). (1990). Devonian and Carboniferous coral studies. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 10: 1-254.

Shergold, J. H., Laurie, J. R. and Xiaowen, Sun. (1990). Classification and review of the trilobite order, Agnostida Salter, 1864: an Australian perspective. Canberra : Australian Govt. Pub. Service. iv + 92 pp.


Popular science:

Brazier, R. C., Keyes, Ian W. and Stevens, Graeme R. (1990). The great New Zealand fossil book: pictures of ancient life in an evolving land. Lower Hutt, N.Z.: New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. 112 pp.

White, Mary E. (1990). The Nature of Hidden Worlds – Animals and Plants in Prehistoric Australia and New Zealand. Reed Books. [published in 1989?; 1993 edition by Kangaroo Press as 'Reading the Rocks' with same subtitle, which was itself reprinted in 1999]

White, Mary E. and Muche, Robyn (illustrator). (1990a). Muttaburrasaurus: An Australian Dinosaur in Its Time and Space. Houghton Mifflin.

White, Mary E. and Muche, Robyn (illustrator). (1990b). Amphibians of the Triassic: Tadpole Hunting 220 Million Years Ago. Houghton Mifflin.


Children's books:

Arnold, Caroline and Hewett, Richard. (1990). Dinosaurs down under: and other fossils from Australia. New York: Clarion Books. 48 pp.

Flannery, Timothy F. and Kendall, Paula. (1990). The Age of Dinosaurs in Australia. Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 62 pp.

Krok, Lois. (1990). Aussie dinosaurs. Milton, Queensland: Jacaranda Press. 32 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Darragh, Thomas A. and Kendrick, George W. (1991). Maastrichtian bivalvia (including Inoceramidae) from the Miria Formation, Carnarvon Basin, north western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement No. 36: 1-102.

Jell, P. A. (ed.). (1991). Australian Ordovician brachiopod studies. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 11: 1-177.

McNamara, Kenneth J., Long, John A. and Brimmell, K. (1991). Catalogue of type fossils in the Western Australian Museum. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement No. 39: 1-106.

Vickers-Rich, P., Monaghan, J. M., Baird, R. F. and Rich, T. H. (1991). Vertebrate Palaeontology of Australasia. Lilydale, Victoria: Pioneer Design Studio, in co-operation with the Monash University Publications Committee, Melbourne. xv + 1437 pp. [reprinted in 1991; also a 1996 edition with dust jacket bound in green cloth]


Popular science:

Archer, Michael, Hand, Suzanne J. and Godthelp, Henk. (1991). Riversleigh: The Story of Animals in Ancient Rainforests of Inland Australia. Sydney: Reed Books. 264 pp. [Foreword by David Attenborough; reprinted 1994 (with 'Whitley Award Winner' on cover) & 1996; reprinted in paperback in 2000 by Reed New Holland as 'Australia’s Lost World: Riversleigh, World Heritage Site']

Long, John A. (1991). Dinosaurs of Australia, and other animals of the Mesozoic Era. Sydney: Reed Books. 88 pp.

Long, John A. and McNamara, K. J. (1991). Sea Monsters- Bizarre and unusual creatures from seas of the prehistoric past and present. Perth: The Western Australian Museum. 40 pp.

McClish, Bruce and Berry, Ruth (illustrator). (1991). Time traveller's guide to ancient Australia. Prahran, Victoria: Gould League of Victoria. 32 pp.


Children's books:

Cox, Geoffrey J. (1991). Prehistoric Animals of New Zealand. HarperCollins Publishers New Zealand. 40 pp.

Morris, Jill et al. (1991). Suzanne Hand and palaeontology. Carlton, Victoria: Curriculum Corporation. 24 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Peng, Sanchi. (1992). Upper Cambrian biostratigraphy and trilobite faunas of the Cili-Taoyuan area, northwestern Hunan. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 13: 1-119.

Zang, W. and Walter, M. R. (1992). Late Proterozoic and Cambrian microfossils and biostratigraphy, Amadeus basin, central Australia. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 12: 1-132.


Popular science:

Flannery, Timothy F. and Kendall, Paula. (1992). Australia's Inland Sea. Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 64 pp.

McNamara, Kenneth J. (1992). A guide to the fossils of the Albany region. Perth: Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Western Australian Museum. 12 pp.

McNamara, Kenneth J. and Brimmell, K. (1992). A guide to the fossils of the Newmarracarra limestone. Perth: Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Western Australian Museum. 12 pp.

Vickers-Rich, Patricia, Rich, Leaellyn and Auslebrook, Kerrie. (1992). Australia Long, Long Ago (The Southeast, Victoria): a Geological Story. Melbourne: Paleoscriptis. 32 pp. [uncertain if authorship order is correct]



Monographs/technical volumes:

Jell, Peter A. (1993). Palaeontological Studies in Honour of Ken Campbell: Proceedings of a Meeting of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, a Specialist Group of the Geological Society of Australia Inc., at the Australian National University, 8-10 February 1993, on the Occasion of the Retirement of Ken Campbell from the Staff of the Australian National University. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 15: 1-459.

Johnston, Paul A. (1993). Lower Devonian Pelecypoda from southeastern Australia. Memoir of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 14: 1-134.

Skwarko, S. K. (1993). Palaeontology of the Permian of Western Australia. East Perth, W.A.: Geological Survey of Western Australia. viii + 417 pp.


Popular science:

Long, John A. (1993). Dinosaurs of Australia and other animals of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods. Sydney: Reed Books. 88 pp.

McNamara, Kenneth J., Friend, Duncan and Long, John A. (1993). A Guide to the Fossils of the Gingin Chalk (2nd. revised edition). Perth: The Western Australian Museum. 16 pp. [was available as a PDF either here or here; I downloaded a copy so can send to those interested]

Vickers-Rich, Patricia and Rich, Thomas H. (1993). Wildlife of Gondwana: The 500-million-year history of vertebrate animals from the ancient southern supercontinent. Sydney: Reed. 276 pp.


Children's books:

Pride, Marilyn and Molnar, Ralph E. (1993). Dinosaurs of Australia (revised ed.). Pymble, NSW: Angus & Robertson. 31 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Darragh, Thomas A. and Kendrick, George W. (1994). Maastrichtian scaphopoda and gastropoda from the Miria Formation, Carnarvon Basin, northwestern Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement No. 48: 1-76.

McNamara, Kenneth J. and Kendrick, George W. (1994). Cenozoic Molluscs and Echinoids of Barrow Island, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement No. 53: 1-50. [in the Abstract the two taxa "Clypeaster tumulus sp. nov." and "Echinolampas butleri sp. nov." are erroneously assigned the wrong genera, viz. their basionyms are actually Clypeaster butleri and Echinolampas tumulus]

Schäfer, P. and Grant-Mackie, J. (1994). Triassic Bryozoa from the Murihiku and Torlesse Supergroups, New Zealand. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 16: 1-52.


Popular science:

White, Mary E. (1994). After the Greening: The Browning of Australia. Kenthurst, NSW: Kangaroo Press. 288 pp. [also published by Houghton Miflin?]



Monographs/technical volumes:

Jell, P. A. (ed.). (1995). APC94: papers from the First Australian Palaeontological Convention, held at Macquarie University, February 1994. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 18: 1-208.

Rickards, R. B., Packham, G. H., Wright, A. J. and Williamson, P. L. (1995). Wenlock and Ludlow graptolite faunas and biostratigraphy of the Quarry Creek district, New South Wales. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 17: 1-68.


Popular science:

White, Mary E. (1995). The Greening of Gondwana: The 400 Million Year Story of Australia's Plants (second edition). Hamlyn. [first edition (1986)third edition (1998)]


Children's books:

Morrissey, David, Pascoe, Stephen (maps) and Beckett, Alexis (illustrator). (1995). The age of mammals. South Melbourne: Macmillan Education Australia. 32 pp.

Yeend, Norman. (1995). Muttaburrasaurus: life in Gondwana. Sydney: ABC Books. 28 pp.



Popular science:

Prideaux, Gavin J. and Pledge, Neville S. (1996). The natural history of the Lake Palankarinna fossil reserve. Adelaide: South Australian Museum. 55 pp., 11 pls.

Vickers-Rich, Patricia, Rich, Leaellyn Suzanne and Rich, Thomas H. (1996). Australia's Lost World: A History of Australia's Backboned Animals. Kenthurst, N.S.W.: Kangaroo Press. 128 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Long, John A., Barwick, R. E. and Campbell, K. S. W. (1997). Osteology and Functional Morphology of the Osteolepiform Fish Gogonasus andrewsae Long, 1985, from the Upper Devonian Gogo Formation, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 53: 1-89.


Popular science:

Kendrick, George W., McNamara, Kenneth J. and Brimmell, K. (1997). A guide to the fossils of the Roe Plains. Perth: Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Western Australian Museum. 12 pp.

Macdonald, J. Reid, Macdonald, Mary Lee, Vickers-Rich, Patricia, Rich, Leaellyn S. V. and Rich, Thomas H. (1997). Fossil collector's guide. East Roseville: Kangaroo Press. 172 pp.


Children's books:

Pride, Marilyn. (1997). More Australian dinosaurs. Pymble, N.S.W.: Angus & Robertson. 32 pp.

Vickers-Rich, Patricia, Rich, Thomas H., Rich, Leaellyn S. and Rich, Tim. (1997a). Australia's ancient backboned animals (The Little Prehistory Books). Kenthurst, N.S.W.: Kangaroo Press. 32 pp.

Vickers-Rich, Patricia, Rich, Thomas H., Rich, Leaellyn S. and Rich, Tim. (1997b). Diprotodon and Its Relatives (The Little Prehistory Books). Kenthurst, N.S.W.: Kangaroo Press. 25 pp.

Vickers-Rich, Patricia, Rich, Thomas H., Rich, Leaellyn S. and Rich, Tim. (1997c). Australia's ancient birds (The Little Prehistory Books). Kenthurst, N.S.W.: Kangaroo Press. 24 pp.

Vickers-Rich, Patricia, Rich, Thomas H., Rich, Leaellyn S. and Rich, Tim. (1997d). Australian dinosaurs (The Little Prehistory Books). Kenthurst, N.S.W.: Kangaroo Press. 24 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Briggs, D. J. C. (1998). Permian Productidina and Strophalosiidina from the Sydney-Bowen Basin and New England Orogen: systematics and biostratigraphic significance. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 19: 1-258.


Popular science:

Long, John A. (1998). The Dinosaurs of Australia and New Zealand, and other animals of the Mesozoic Era. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press. 182 pp. [simultaneously published: Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press]

White, Mary E. (1998). The Greening of Gondwana: The 400 Million Year Story of Australia's Plants (third edition). Kangaroo Press. [have seen the publisher given as 'Rosenberg Publishing' which has same founders, but came into existence later (2002); first edition (1986)second edition (1995)]


Children's books:

McKee, Joseph W. A. and Wiffen, Joan. (1998). Mangahouanga Stream: New Zealand's cretaceous dinosaur and marine reptile site. Wellington, N.Z.: Geological Society of New Zealand. 18 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Baynes, Alexander and Long, John A. (eds.). (1999). Papers in vertebrate palaeontology. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement No. 57: 1-424.

Bradshaw, Margaret A. (1999). Lower Devonian bivalves from the Reefton Group, New Zealand. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 20: 1-171.

Munson, T. J. and Jell, J. S. (1999). Llandovery rugose corals from the Quinton Formation, Broken River Province, northeast Queensland. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 21: 1-65


Popular science:

Pledge, Neville S. (1999). Fossils of the Flinders and Mount Lofty Ranges (3rd ed.). Adelaide: South Australian Museum. 28 pp.

Smith, Elizabeth and Smith, Robert (photographer). (1999). Black opal fossils of Lightning Ridge: treasures from the Rainbow Billabong. East Roseville, N.S.W.: Kangaroo Press. 112 pp. [foreword by Tim Flannery]

Vickers-Rich, Patricia and Rich, Thomas H. (1999). Wildlife of Gondwana: Dinosaurs & Other Vertebrates from the Ancient Supercontinent (Life of the Past series). Indiana University Press. 304 pp.


Children's books:

Birch, Robin. (1999). Ancient Australia (Focus on Australia series). South Yarra, Victoria: Macmillan Education. 48 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Li, Qianyu and McGowran, Brian. (2000). Miocene foraminifera from Lakes Entrance Oil Shaft, Gippsland, southeastern Australia. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 22: 1-142.

Wright, A. J., Young, G. C., Talent, J. A. and Laurie, J. R. (2000). Palaeobiogeography of Australasian faunas and floras. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 23: 1-515.


Popular science:

Rich, Thomas H. and Vickers-Rich, Patricia. (2000). Dinosaurs of Darkness. Bloomington Indiana: Indiana University Press. xii + 222 or 223 pp. [published in 2001 in Australia by Allen & Unwin (Crows Nest, NSW); second edition (2020)]



Monographs/technical volumes:

Hand, Suzanne J. and Laurie, J. R. (2001). Riversleigh Symposium 1998: proceedings of a research symposium on Tertiary fossils from Riversleigh and Murgon, Queensland, held at the University of New South Wales, December 1998. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 25: 1-154.

Laurie, J. R. and Foster, C. B. (ed.). (2001). Studies in Australian Mesozoic palynology II. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 24: 1-235.


Popular science:

Willis, Paul and Thomas, Abbie. (2001). Digging Up Deep Time: Fossils, Dinosaurs and Megabeasts from Australia’s Distant Past. Sydney: ABC Books. 294 pp. [reprinted in 2004/2005]


Children's books:

McLoughlin, Steve and McNamara, Ken. (2001). Ancient floras of Western Australia. Perth: The Western Australian Museum. 42 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Laurie, J. R. (ed.). (2002). Palaeo Down Under Conference : papers from the conference held at Kinross-Walaroi School, Orange, New South Wales, July 2000. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 27: 1-188.

McLoughlin, Stephen (compiler). (2002). First International Palaeontological Congress: pre-congress fieldtrip 1: cretaceous-cenozoic floras and landscapes of southeastern Australia. Sydney: Geological Society of Australia. ii + 117 pp.

McLoughlin, Stephen, Tosolini, A.-M. P., Nagalingum, N. S. and Drinnan, A. N. (2002). The Early Cretaceous (Neocomian) flora and fauna of the lower Strzelecki Group, Gippsland Basin, Victoria, Australia. Memoirs of the Australasian Association of Palaeontologists 26: 1-144.

Talent, John A et al. (2002). Palaeozoics of NE Queensland: Broken River region 11-17 July 2002: Post-5 field excursion guidebook. Sydney: Macquarie University Centre for Ecostratigraphy and Palaeobiology. 81 pp.


Popular science:

Australian Museum and Archer, Michael [preface only]. (2002). The evolution of Australia: 110 million years of change. Sydney: Australian Museum. 91 pp.

Long, John A., Archer, Michael, Flannery, Timothy F. and Hand, Suzanne J. (2002). Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution. University of New South Wales Press, NSW & Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA. 244 pp.

Worthy, Trevor H. and Holdaway, Richard N. (2002). The Lost World of the Moa: Prehistoric life of New Zealand. Indiana University Press: Bloomington (Indiana).


Children's books:

Breidahl, Harry. (2002a). Triassic times (Wildlife of ancient Australia). South Yarra, Victoria: Macmillan Library. 32 pp.

Breidahl, Harry. (2002b). Jurassic times (Wildlife of ancient Australia). South Yarra, Victoria: Macmillan Library. 32 pp.

Breidahl, Harry. (2002c). Cretaceous times (Wildlife of ancient Australia). South Yarra, Victoria: Macmillan Library. 32 pp.

Breidahl, Harry. (2002d). Eocene & Miocene times (Wildlife of ancient Australia). South Yarra, Victoria: Macmillan Library. 32 pp.

Breidahl, Harry. (2002e). Miocene & Pliocene times (Wildlife of ancient Australia). South Yarra, Victoria: Macmillan Library. 32 pp.

Breidahl, Harry. (2002f). Pleistocene times (Wildlife of ancient Australia). South Yarra, Victoria: Macmillan Library. 32 pp.

Cox, Geoffrey J. and Wiffen, Joan. (2002). Dinosaur New Zealand. HarperCollins Publishers New Zealand. 39 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Reid, Catherine M. (2003). Permian Bryozoa of Tasmania and New South Wales: systematics and their use in Tasmanian biostratigraphy. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 28: 1-133.

Young, Gavin C. and Goujet, Daniel. (2003). Devonian fish remains from the Dulcie Sandstone and Cravens Peak Beds, Georgina Basin, central Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement No. 65: 1-85.


Popular science:

Corcoran, Peter. (2003). A Biological History of Australia, The Story of 600 Million Years of Life. Melbourne: Peter Corcoran. 220 pp.

Rich, Thomas H. and Vickers-Rich, Patricia. (2003). A century of Australian dinosaurs. Launceston: Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery. 124 pp.


Children's books:

McClish, Bruce. (2003). Ancient Australia. Port Melbourne, Victoria: Heinemann Library. 32 pp. [For primary and secondary school students]



Monographs/technical volumes:

Laurie, J. R. (ed.). (2004). Cambro-Ordovician Studies I. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 30: 1-260.

Laurie, J. R. and Foster, C. B. (2004). Palynological and micropalaeontological studies in honour of Geoffrey Playford. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 29: 1-274.

Molnar, R. E. (2004). Dragons in the Dust: The Palaeobiology of the Giant Monitor Lizard Megalania. Indiana: Indiana University Press. 210 pp.

Murray, Peter F. and Vickers-Rich, Patricia. (2004). Magnificent Mihirungs: The colossal flightless birds of the Australian Dreamtime. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Prideaux, Gavin J. (2004). Systematics and Evolution of the Sthenurine Kangaroos. University of California Publications in Geological Sciences 146: i-xviii, 1-623.


Popular science:

Gehling, James G. (2004). Field guide: Ediacara-Cambrian of the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Adelaide: South Australian Museum. 69 pp.

Wolfe, Richard. (2004). Moa: The Dramatic Story of the Discovery of a Giant Bird. Penguin Global. 250 pp.


Children's books:

Long, John A. (2004). Gogo Fish! The story of the Western Australian State fossil emblem. Perth: The Western Australian Museum. 48 pp. [reprinted 2005]



Monographs/technical volumes:

Grey, Kathleen. (2005). Ediacaran palynology of Australia. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 31: 1-439.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Goudey, Christopher J. (compiler). (2006). A collection of illustrations on the fossils of the Rev. J.E. Tenison Woods with more recent nomenclature. Lara, Victoria: C.J. Goudey. 131 pp.

Paterson, J. R. and Laurie, J. R. (eds.). (2006). Cambro-Ordovician Studies II. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 32: 1-422.


Popular science:

Long, John A. (2006). Swimming in Stone: the amazing Gogo fossils of the Kimberley. Fremantle Arts Centre Press. 320 pp.


Children's books:

Hocknull, Scott and Cook, Alex. (2006). Amazing facts about Australian dinosaurs. Archerfield, Queensland: Steve Parish Pub. 64 pp.

Hocknull, Scott and Cook, Alex, with Lennon, Paul (illustrator). (2006). How to draw Australian dinosaurs: and other prehistoric animals. Archerfield, Queensland: Steve Parish Publishing. 32 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Laurie, J. R. and Paterson, J. R. (eds.). (2007). Papers in honour of John H. Shergold 1938-2006. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 34: 1-562.

Laurie, J. R., Paterson, J. R. and Paterson, J. B. (eds.). (2007). South Australia 2006: Papers from the XI International Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 33: 1-189.

Vickers-Rich, Patricia and Komarower, P. (eds.). (2007). The Rise and Fall of the Ediacaran Biota. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 286.


Popular science:

Patrick, Kevin and Holgate, Douglas. (2007). Prehistoric Australia. North Sydney, N.S.W.: Random House Australia. 111 pp.


Children's books:

Jones, Jenny. (2007). Dinosaurs and other ancient giants of Australia. Chatswood, N.S.W.: New Holland. 48 pp. [reprinted in 2008]

Plant, Andrew. (2007). Australia's dinosaurs. Port Melbourne, Victoria: Heinemann Library. 32 pp.

Rich, Thomas H. V (2007). Polar dinosaurs of Australia (Museum Victoria nature series). Melbourne: Museum Victoria. 40 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Brownlaw, R. L. Scott and Jell, John S. (2008). Middle and Upper Devonian Rugose Corals from the Canning Basin, Western Australia. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 35: 1-126. [Abstract]


Children's books:

Clode, Danielle. (2008). Prehistoric Giants: The Megafauna of Australia (Museum Victoria Nature series). Carlton South: Museum of Victoria. 72 pp. [up to 9th reprint!]



Monographs/technical volumes:

Laurie, J. R., Brock, G. A. and Paterson, J. R. (eds.). (2009). Cambro-Ordovician Studies III. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 37: 1-716.

Parker, J. (2009). Taxonomy of Foraminifera from Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 36: 1-810.


Children's books:

Long, John A. (2009). The Short, Tragic Life of Leo the Marsupial Lion. Perth: The Western Australian Museum. 48pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Blake, Paul R. (2010). Devonian Corals of the Yarrol Province, Eastern-central Queensland. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 38: 1-191. [Abstract]

Holloway, D. J. and Laurie, J. R. (2010). Siluro-Devonian studies 1. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 39: 1-339.

Pickett, John W. (2010). Fossil corals of Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and Antarctica: bibliography and index. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 40: 1-189. [Abstract]


Popular science:

McNamara, Ken and Murray, Peter. (2010). Prehistoric Mammals of Western Australia (revised edition). Perth: The Western Australian Museum. 107 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Laurie, J. R., Paterson, J. R. and Brock, G. A. (eds.). (2011). Cambro-Ordovician Studies IV. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 42: 1-492.

Shi, Guang R. et al. (eds.). (2011). Brachiopods: extant and extinct: proceedings of the Sixth International Brachiopod Congress, 1-5 February, 2010, Melbourne, Australia. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 41: 1-366.


Popular science:

Kear, Benjamin P. and Hamilton-Bruce, Robert J., with artistic reconstructions by Josh Lee. (2011). Dinosaurs in Australia: Mesozoic Life from the Southern Continent. Collingwood, Victoria: CSIRO Publishing. x + 190 pp. [Google Books preview]



Monographs/technical volumes:

Beu, Alan G., Nolden, Sascha and Darragh, Thomas A. (2012). Revision of New Zealand Cenozoic fossil Mollusca described by Zittel (1865) based on Hochstetter's collections from the Novara Expedition. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 43: 1-71. [Abstract]


Popular science:

Berentson, Quinn. (2012). Moa: the life and death of New Zealand's legendary bird. Nelson: Craig Potton Publishing. 300 pp.

The Australian Heritage Council. (2012). Australia's fossil heritage: a catalogue of important Australian fossil sites. Collingwood, Victoria: CSIRO Publishing. xi + 188 pp.


Children's books:

McClish, Bruce and Flaherty, Liz. (2012). Ancient Australia. Port Melbourne, Victoria: Pearson Australia. 32 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Holloway, D. J. and Laurie, J. R. (2013). Siluro-Devonian studies 2. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 44: 1-207.

Webb, Steve. (2013). Corridors to Extinction and the Australian Megafauna. New York: Elsevier Science Publishers. 308 pp.


Children's books:

Ferguson, Daphne and McKay, Jann (illustrator). (2013). Dinosaurs of Australia and other ancient animals (Australian prehistory books). Seven Hills, N.S.W.: Five Senses Education. 34 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Laurie, J. R., Paterson, J. R. and Brock, G. A. (eds.). (2014). Cambro-Ordovician Studies V. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 45: 1-419.


Children's books:

Richards, Kel and Singleton, Glen (illustrator). (2014). Big Book of Aussie Dinosaurs. Scholastic Australia. 24 pp. [paperback version published in 2015]



Monographs/technical volumes:

Mays, Chris. (2015). A late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian) south polar palynoflora from the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 47: 1-92. [Abstract]

Skovsted, Christian B., Betts, Marissa J., Topper, Timothy P. and Brock, Glenn A. (2015). The early Cambrian tommotiid genus Dailyatia from South Australia. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 48: 1-117. [Abstract]


Popular science:

Clode, Danielle. (2015). Prehistoric Marine Life in Australia's Inland Sea (Museum Victoria Nature series). Carlton South: Museum of Victoria. 96 pp.

Cook, Alex and Rozefelds, Andrew. (2015). In Search of Ancient Queensland. Queensland Museum with support from BHP Billiton Cannington. 288 pp.


Children's books:

Ingram, Mike [as 'Michaelosaurus']. (2015). The Australian dinosaur big book. Oz Publishing. 18 pp. + CD.

Judd, Wes, Pickrell, John, Smith, Lauren (ed.), Xing, Lida (illustrator) and Han, Yujiang (illustrator). (2015). Dinosaurs of Australia. Sydney, NSW: Australian Geographic. 32 pp.

Ouston, Elaine, Pocock, Aaron (illustrator) and Burgemeestre, Kevin (illustrator). (2015). Meet the megafauna: the giant and unusual animals that roamed Australia before and just after humans arrived. Step into the valley ... if you're game. Kilcoy, Queensland: Morris Publishing Australia. 18 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Laurie, John R., Kruse, Peter D., Garcia-Bellido, Diego C. and Holmes, James D. (2016). Palaeo Down Under 2: Adelaide 11-15 July 2016. Hornsby, N.S.W. : Geological Society of Australia Incorporated. 91 pp.

Laurie, John R., Percival, I. G., Jago, J. B., Paterson, J. R. and Brock, G. A. (eds.). (2016). Cambro-Ordovician Studies VI. Australasian Palaeontological Memoirs 49: 1-514.


Children's books:

Candler, Gillian and Barraud, Ned. (2016). From Moa to Dinosaurs: Explore & discover ancient New Zealand. Nelson, New Zealand: Potton & Burton. 36 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Challinor, Brian and Hudson, Neville. (2017). Early and middle Jurassic belemnites of New Zealand. Australasian Palaeontological Memoirs 50: 1-69. [Abstract]


Popular science:

Poropat, Stephen. (2017). Dinosaur stampede. Winton, Queensland: Australian Age of Dinosaurs. 60 pp.


Children's books:

Siva, Rose. (2017a). Dinosaurs and Dragons. Boolarong Press. 118 pp.

Siva, Rose. (2017b). Dinosaurs Fight to Survive. Boolarong Press. 76 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Kruse, Pierre D. and Percival, Ian G. (eds.). (2018). Palaeo Down Under 2 Proceedings. Australasian Palaeontological Memoirs 51: 1-140.


Children's books:

Clode, Danielle. (2018). From Dinosaurs to Diprotodons: Australia's amazing fossils. Carlton South: Museum of Victoria. 44 pp.

Jones, Jenny. (2018). Dinosaurs and other ancient giants of Australia. London, United Kingdom ; Chatswood, NSW; Auckland, New Zealand : New Holland Publishers. 48 pp. [either a republication or a second edition]



Children's books:

Hill, David and Morris, Phoebe (illustrator). (2019). Dinosaur Hunter: Joan Wiffen's Awesome Fossil Discoveries (David Hill Kiwi Legends). Penguin NZ. 32 pp.

Siva, Rose. (2019). Dinothaw: The search for the coldest dinosaur. Rose Siva. 72 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Kruse, Peter D. and Debrenne, Françoise. (2020). Ajax Mine archaeocyaths: A provisional biozonation for the upper Hawker Group (Cambrian stages 3-4), Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Australasian Palaeontological Memoirs 53: 1-238. [Abstract]


Popular science:

Dawson, Lyndall. (2020). Tunnels in Time: The Discovery, Ecology and Extinction of Australia's Marsupial Megafauna. Austinmer, NSW: Lyndall Dawson. 164 pp. [Available directly from the author]

Rich, Thomas H. and Vickers-Rich, Patricia. (2020). Dinosaurs of Darkness: In Search of the Lost Polar World (Life of the Past) (second edition). Indiana University Press. 332 pp. [first edition (2000)]


Children's books:

Siva, Rose. (2020). Dinopal: Search for opalised dinosaur bones. Rose Siva. 158 pp.



Monographs/technical volumes:

Jones, Peter J., Kelman, Andrew and Laurie, John R. (2021). Mississippian Ostracoda from the Bonaparte and canning basins, NW Australia: Platycopina and Podocopida, their biostratigraphy, palaeoecology and palaeozoogeographic links. Australasian Palaeontological Memoirs 54: 1-162. [Abstract]

McLean, Ross A. and Wright, Anthony J. (2021). The rugose coral 'Phillipsastrea' D'Orbigny and other plocoid genera in the late Silurian to Early Devonian of eastern Australia: revision of previously assigned species and new records. Australasian Palaeontological Memoirs 55: 1-88. [Abstract]


Popular science:

Morton, John G. G. (2021a). Cenozoic Brachiopoda of South Australia: A photographic indentification guide. Wayville, South Australia: John Morton. eBook. 124 pages.

Morton, John G. G. (2021b). Cenozoic Brachiopoda of South Australia: A photographic indentification guide (revised ed.). Wayville, South Australia: John Morton. eBook. 128 pages. ["This edition revised 1/11/21"]


Children's books:

Australian Geographic. (2021). Australia's Amazing Dinosaurs. Australian Geographic. 32 pp.

Clode, Danielle. (2021). John Long: Fossil Hunter (Aussie Stem Stars Series). Melbourne: Wild Dingo Press. [Teacher Notes by Vanessa Ryan-Rendall]

Daniels, Inge. (2021). Gordo the Guardian, a night-time adventure. Winton, Queensland: Australian Age of Dinosaurs. 28 pp.

Poropat, Stephen. (2021). Prehistoric Australia: animals to colour and facts to discover. Winton, Queensland: Australian Age of Dinosaurs. 89 pp.

Siva, Rose. (2021). Dino Bone: A Dinosaur Bone Mystery. Rose Siva.



Children's books:

Mollard, Myke. (2022). Australian dinosaurs and mega beasts. Warriewood, N.S.W.: Woodslane Press. 48 pp.

Siva, Rose. (2022). Dinocroc: A hunt for ancient crocodiles. Rose Siva.



Popular science:

Archer, Michael, Hand, Suzanne J., Long, John A., Schouten, Peter (illustrator) and Worthy, Trevor H. (2023). Prehistoric Australasia: visions of evolution and extinction. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing.


Children's books:

Barker, Judith and Frith, Janie (illustrator). (2023). The AU in Dinosaur. Woodslane Press. 32 pp.



Popular science:

Cook, Alex and Rozefelds, Andrew. (2024). In Search of Ancient Queensland (2nd ed.). Queensland Museum. 368 pp.


Children's books:

Lightfoot, Sarah Jane. (2024). When Dinosaurs Roamed Australia. Affirm Kids. 32 pp.

Mes, Yvonne and Morris, Sylvia (illustrator). (2024). The Opal Dinosaur. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. 32 pp.


Date or author/s unknown to me

Prehistoric Australia (Australian golden project book). Sydney: Golden Press. 24 pp. [1987?]



Appendix: Part of the content only

Angst, Delphine and Buffetaut, Eric. (2017). Palaeobiology of Extinct Giant Flightless Birds. London: ISTE Press / Oxford: Elsevier.

Archer, Michael (ed.). (1987). Possums and opossums: studies in evolution. Sydney: Surrey Beatty and Sons / Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.

Barker, W. R. and Greenslade, P. J. M. (eds.). (1982). Evolution of the flora and fauna of arid Australia. South Australia: Peacock Publications.

Ferrett, Russell. (2022). A guide to Australian rocks, fossils and landscapes : more than 200 amazing geo-sites and landforms, from meteor craters to fossil beds. Sydney, NSW: Reed New Holland. 376 pp.

Glen, A. S. and Dickman, C. R. (eds.). (2014). Carnivores of Australia: Past, Present and Future. Collingwood, Victoria: CSIRO Publishing.

Johnson, Chris. (2006). Australia's Mammal Extinctions: A 50,000 Year History. Port Melbourne, Sydney: Cambridge University Press. 278 pp.

Krajewski, Carey et al. (2024). The evolution of Dasyurid marsupials: systematics and family history. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing.

Langtree, Charles W. (1886). A descriptive catalogue of rocks, minerals, and fossils, illustrative of the geology, mineralogy and mining resources of Victoria, exhibited for and on behalf of the Government. Melbourne: Government Printer. ["A revised edition, also rare, was prepared for the Centennial Exhibition, Melbourne, 1888-89" (Andrew Isles NHB)]

MacPhee, Ross D. E. (ed.). (1999). Extinctions in Near Time. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Macphee, Ross D. E. and Schouten, Peter. (2019). End of the Megafauna: The Fate of the World's Hugest, Fiercest, and Strangest Animals. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. 256 pp. [hardback and paperback versions]

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