
Alkimos, Eglinton, Yanchep & Two Rocks: towards a complete bibliography




Chalmers, James. (2015). The Haunting of Memory+A Curse Once Cast+The Street of Cloaks+Alkimos: Four Ghost Stories. Self published. eBook (Kindle). [Available from Amazon]

Darby, R. (2018). Alkimos City Centre Activity Centre Plan [report]. prepared by Roberts Day Pty Ltd.

Hoschke, A., Whisson, G., & Moore, G. (2023). Complete list of fishes recorded from the Perth Coast (Mandurah to Two Rocks). The Perth Coast Fish Book. Aqua Research and Monitoring Services, Perth, 262-273.

Krakouer, Ray. (c.1999). Yarns from the Alkimos & other yarns. Perth, W.A.: Ray Krakouer. 36 pp.

Landcorp, Eglinton Estates PTY LTD, Peet Alkimos PTY LTD and Alkimos Lot 101 Joint Venture. (2020). Alkimos Eglinton District Structure Plan (Amendment 02) [Report]. Prepared for and Submitted to the City of Wanneroo. [automatic download]

Nairn, John, with the cooperation of Jack Sue. (1975). The ghost of Alkimos. Perth, W.A.: Skindivers. 52 pp.

Palmer, Dave J. (2021). Alkimos Aboriginal Heritage Survey Cultural survey [report]. Prepared by Moodjar Consultancy for Development WA, February 2021.

Roe, Phillip. (2005). Ghostwriting: The Alkimos and its Ghosts. Transformations 12 (Dec. 2005). <>

Sue, Jack Wong and Sue, Barry. (2001). Ghost of the Alkimos. Midland, Western Australia: L Smith (WA) Pty Ltd T/A Jack Sue WA Skindivers Publication.




Anglican Church Yanchep, Anglicans Make Yanchep Your Harbour, 1983-88.

Anonymous. (1938). Yanchep. Early Days, Journal and Proceedings, Royal Australian Western Historical Society 3(1): 48.

Anonymous. (1986). Production and History of the 5200 ha Farm at Yanchep, Countryman, 3/4/86 p. 12.

Bosserelle, Cyprien, Gallop, Shari L., Haigh, Ivan D. and Pattiaratchi, Charitha B. (2021). The Influence of Reef Topography on Storm-Driven Sand Flux. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 9(3): 272.

Buckman, P. G. (1989). Division of Animal Health Conference 1989, held at Club Capricorn, Yanchep June 6 to 9, 1989 [Western Australia].[Conference papers]. 43 pp.

Burking, R. C. and Kessell, A. C. (1986). Damage report of the West Coast Wildfires in the Cervantes-Hill River, North Lancelin and North Yanchep Areas January 1986, and the Effects on the Western Australian Beekeeping Industry. Department of Agriculture, Apiculture Section, Western Australia.

Clarke-Gazzard Planners. (1972). Yanchep Sun City, Perth, Western Australia master plan, prepared for Yanchep Estates Pty. Ltd. by Clarke-Gazzard Planners Pty.Ltd. West Perth: Clarke-Gazzard Planners, 1972.

Daniels, G. and Cockman, M. (1979). The Story of Wanneroo. Shire of Wanneroo.

Dawkins, Tim and Travaglione, Rebecca. (2020). Metronet Yanchep Rail Extension: Yanchep Train Station. Report prepared for Newest Alliance / Public Transport Authority.

Department of Lands & Surveys. (1967). Survey of Coast & Road Lines from Wanneroo to Yanchep, James Cowle Field Book No.2 May.

Downey, J. H. (1958). History of Yanchep. Thesis, Claremont Teachers’ College.

Elphinstone, P. (1983). Yanchep Sun City, WA Homes & Living, No.4, pp. 108-112.

Finn, Hugh. (2022). Third Party Referral (WA EPA): Change of land use, purpose and condition of land within the Gnangara, Pinjar and Yanchep pine plantations (Gnangara-Moore River State Forest, State Forest 65).

Gallop, S. L., Bosserelle, Cyprien, Eliot, I. and Pattiaratchi, Charitha B. (2012). The influence of limestone landforms on erosion and recovery of a perched beach. Cont. Shelf Res. 47: 16-27.

Gallop, S. L., Bosserelle, Cypriend, Pattiaratchi, Charitha B. and Eliot, I. (2011). Rock topography causes spatial variation in the wave, current and beach response to sea breeze activity. Mar. Geol. 290: 29-40.

Gentilli, J. (Comp.) with an historical chapter by D.R. Scott. (1963). The Yanchep Area. Nedlands: Geographical Society of Western Australia. 25 pp.

Gentilli, J. (1998a). Wanneroo Joondalup Yanchep. In: Bekle, H. (ed.). Environment People and Planning. Joondalup, Western Australia: City of Joondalup / City of Wanneroo.

Gentilli, J. (ed.). (1998b). Wanneroo, Joondalup, Yanchep: environment, people, planning, City of Wanneroo, June 1998. City of Joondalup, Joondalup Mooro Boodjar: Aboriginal Culture within Mooro Country, Joondalup, undated brochure.

Gozzard, J. R. (1982). Yanchep Sheet 2034 IV, Perth Metropolitan Region, Environmental Geology Series, Geological Survey of Western Australia.

Hamlet, Jo. (2000). How To Write Right: A Step By Step Guide To Short Story Writing. [publisher?]

Hamlet, Jo and Langley-Kemp, J. (eds.). (2000). Yanchep / Two Rocks: Yesterday and Today. Wanneroo: Readers’ World.

Havel, J. J. (1968). The potential of the northern Swan Coastal Plain for Pinus pinaster Ait plantations. Perth, WA: Forests Department.

He, F. (2024). The Distributions of Six Cryptic Reptile Species in the Perth Region, Western Australia: Appraising Their Persistence in a Transforming Landscape. Journal of The Royal Society of Western Australia 107: 1-20.

Hingston, F. J. and Gailitis, V. (1976). The geographic variation of salt precipitated over Western Australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research 14(3): 319-335.

Hoschke, A., Whisson, G., & Moore, G. (2023). Complete list of fishes recorded from the Perth Coast (Mandurah to Two Rocks). The Perth Coast Fish Book. Aqua Research and Monitoring Services, Perth, 262-273.

Krakouer, Ray. (c.1999). Yarns from the Alkimos & other yarns. Perth, W.A.: Ray Krakouer. 36 pp.

LaMont, D. and Bradbury, H. (1985). The Charm of Yanchep. Landscape 1(3): 2-5.

Lawson, B. (1979). Yanchep Sun City: A WA playground in WA. Winter 4(1): 23-28.

Mackay, G. P. (1963). The Yanchep Area. Thesis, City of Wanneroo.

Mawbey, V. (1979). Invasion at Yanchep (Japanese takeover). Australasian Post, 1 March 1979, pp. 9-11.

Moloney, A. (1979). The Story of Yanchep. Thesis, Copy in Whitford Library, Western Australia.

Rising Sun Rules Behand Clouds of Public Relations, Yanchep Sun City, Drewe, Robert, Bulletin, (Sydney), 30 March 1982, pp. 52-53,55.

Roberts Day. (2010). Yanchep - Two Rocks District Structure Plan (November 2010). Roberts Day Pty Ltd. [automatic download]

Shapcott, L. E. (1933). The Story of Yanchep: the western wonderland. Perth (W.A.): Government Printer, Perth, Western Australia.

Wapet. (1969). Yanchep Seismic Survey. Final report, Bureau of Mineral Resources, P.S.S.A. Report, 65/11050.

Western Australian Planning Commission. (1996). Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment No 975/33 St Andrews (Yanchep-Two Rocks), North West Corridor, City of Wanneroo: Technical Report. Western Australian Planning Commission.

Yanchep Estates Pty Ltd. (1972). Yanchep Sun City Leisure Region Master Plan, August 1972, Clarke Gazzard Planners - Urban Systems Corporation.

Yanchep Sun City Pty Ltd. (1975). Concept Plan 1975,- Yanchep Sun City.

Yanchep Sun City Structure Plan. (1983). Report No.1, Ralph Stanton Planners, Preliminary Development Plan for Precinct 1 - Two Rocks May.


Proposed Yanchep international campus of Murdoch University

Acott, K. (1986). War of words over Yanchep withdrawal. The West Australian, February 26.

Asian Dollars Seek Australian Degrees: Education. (no date). Proposed by the Japanese Tokyu Corporation to establish Australia's first international university for fee paying students at Yanchep Sun City.

Dawson, C. (1986). WAIT takes the place of Murdoch in plan for Yanchep. The Australian. February 2.

Murdoch University Academic Staff Association (MUASA). (1985). Staff survey on the proposed Yanchep International Campus. [cited by (Trestrail, 2005)]

Newman, J. (1986). Yanchep campus plans go ahead. The West Australian. February 25.

Pearce, B. (1986). No regard for fact or logic in Yanchep view. Letter in The Australian, June 4.

Stone, D. (1987). The failure of the Yanchep International Campus: A case study in the politics of marketing Education. Politics 22(2): 1-14.

The Australian. (1986). Yanchep plan under fire. March 5.

The West Australian. (1985a). Yanchep Sun City Uni poised for green light. August 16.

The West Australian. (1985b). University plan causes alarm. August 15.

The West Australian. (1985c). Ryan cautious on private campus. October 14.

The West Australian. (1985d). Hitch for Yanchep uni plan. September 14.

The West Australian. (1986). Pearce to put campus case for Yanchep. January 13.

Trestrail, Colin. (2005). Full-fee paying international students at Murdoch University 1985-1991: a policy case study. PhD dissertation, Curtin University. [automatic download]



Two Rocks

Beckley, L. E., Holliday, D., Muhling, B. A., Gaughan, D. J. and Waite, A. M. (2007). Leeuwin Current eddies and potential impacts on Western Australian coastal fisheries. In AMSA 2007.

Curtin, E. (2012). Case 5: Two Rocks Primary School, Western Australia.

Ewing, J. O. (1982). Addendum to Application for Re-zoning, Two Rocks Yanchep Sun City Pty Ltd, Shire of Wanneroo.

Ewing, J. O. (1982). Two Rocks Structure Plan, Yanchep Sun City Pty Ltd, February, Report to the Shire of Wanneroo.

Fandry, C. B., Slawinski, D., & Pender, L. SRFME: Two-Rocks moorings July 2004-July 2005.

Fisher, C. (2020). Planning for large scale greenfield coastal development in the context of sea level rise caused by climate change:'Two Rocks Investments Pty Ltd and Western Australian Planning Commission'. AUSTRALIAN ENVIRONMENT REVIEW, 34(9/10), 222-225.

Gales, N. and Waples, K. (1993). The rehabilitation and release of bottlenose dolphins from Atlantis Marine Park, Western Australia. Aquatic Mammals 19(2): 49-59.

Gwynne, K. (1993). Seiching in Two Rocks Marina (Doctoral dissertation, University of Western Australia).

Hamlet, Jo and Langley-Kemp, J. (eds.). (2000). Yanchep / Two Rocks: Yesterday and Today. Wanneroo: Readers’ World.

Hoschke, A., Whisson, G., & Moore, G. (2023). Complete list of fishes recorded from the Perth Coast (Mandurah to Two Rocks). The Perth Coast Fish Book. Aqua Research and Monitoring Services, Perth, 262-273.

Koslow, J. A., Pearce, A. F., Mortimer, N., Strzelecki, J., Fearns, P., Hanson, C., ... & Begum, A. (2005). Biophysical oceanography off Western Australia: Dynamics across the continental shelf and slope. pp 143-213. In: Keesing JK and Heine, JN (Eds). Strategic Research Fund for the Marine Environment Interim report June 2005.

Koslow, J. A., Pesant, S., Feng, M., Pearce, A., Fearns, P., Moore, T., ... & Waite, A. (2008). The effect of the Leeuwin Current on phytoplankton biomass and production off Southwestern Australia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 113(C7).

Krakouer, Ray. (c.1999). Yarns from the Alkimos & other yarns. Perth, W.A.: Ray Krakouer. 36 pp.

Muhling, B. A., Beckley, L. E., Gaughan, D. J., Jones, C. M., Miskiewicz, A. G. and Hesp, S. A. (2008). Spawning, larval abundance and growth rate of Sardinops sagax off southwestern Australia: influence of an anomalous eastern boundary current. Marine Ecology Progress Series 364: 157-167.

Muhling, B. A., Beckley, L. E., Koslow, J. A. and Pearce, A. F. (2008). Larval fish assemblages and water mass structure off the oligotrophic south‐western Australian coast. Fisheries Oceanography 17(1): 16-31.

Paterson, Harriet. (2006). Microzooplankton from oligotrophic waters off south west Western Australia: Biomass, diversity and impact on phytoplankton. PhD thesis, University of Western Australia. [automatic download]

Paterson, H. L. (in prep.). Mechanisms of mixotrophy – along the Two Rocks transect in the Indian Ocean off south west Western Australia. To be submitted to the Journal of Plankton Research.

Paterson, H. L., Knott, B., Koslow, A. J., & Waite, A. M. (2008). The grazing impact of microzooplankton off south west Western Australia: as measured by the dilution technique. Journal of Plankton Research, 30(4), 379-392.

Pattiaratchi, C., Hollings, B., Woo, M., Hanson, C. and Welhena, T. (2010). Dense Shelf Water Cascade Along West Australian Continental Shelves. Proceedings of the 15th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS) conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 14–17 September 2010. [conference paper]

Pattiaratchi, C., Hollings, B., Woo, M. and Welhena, T. (2011). Dense shelf water formation along the south‐west Australian inner shelf. Geophysical Research Letters 38(10).

Pattiaratchi, C., Wijeratne, S., & Salehi, A. (2015, January). Meteotsunamis in south-western Australia. In Australasian Coasts & Ports Conference 2015: 22nd Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference and the 15th Australasian Port and Harbour Conference: 22nd Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference and the 15th Australasian Port and Harbour Conference (pp. 659-664). Auckland, New Zealand: Engineers Australia and IPENZ.

Pearce, A. F. and Feng, M. (2013). The rise and fall of the “marine heat wave” off Western Australia during the summer of 2010/2011. Journal of Marine Systems 111: 139-156.

Ralph Stanton Planners. (1983). Yanchep Sun City Structure Plan, Report No 1, Preliminary Development Plan for Precinct, 1 Two Rocks, W.A.

Roberts Day. (2010). Yanchep - Two Rocks District Structure Plan (November 2010). Roberts Day Pty Ltd. [automatic download]

SINGOR, M., BISHOP, A., & GREENWOOD, M. (2021). SHOREBIRD DEPENDENCE ON BEACH WRACK HABITAT IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Stilt: The Journal of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, (76).

Thotagamuwage, D., Hansen, D. and Lamberto, T. (2023, January). Characteristics of infragravity waves in Western Australian coast. In Australasian Coasts & Ports 2023 Conference (pp. 18-25). Sunshine Coast, QLD: Engineers Australia.

Thotagamuwage, D. T., & Pattiaratchi, C. (2011, January). Observations of infra-gravity period oscillations and their forcing in Western Australia. In Coasts and Ports 2011: Diverse and Developing: Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference and the 13th Australasian Port and Harbour Conference (pp. 725-730). Barton, ACT: Engineers Australia.

Thotagamuwage, D. T. and Pattiaratchi, C. B. (2014). Influence of offshore topography on infragravity period oscillations in Two Rocks Marina, Western Australia. Coastal Engineering 91: 220-230.

Waples, K. A. (1997). The rehabilitation and release of bottlenose dolphins from Atlantis Marine Park, Western Australia. Texas A&M University.

Welhena, Thisara, Pattiaratchi, Charitha and Feng, Ming. (2011). Dense water formation and cross-shelf exchange on the Rottnest Continental Shelf in south-western Australia. In Coasts and Ports 2011: Diverse and Developing: Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference and the 13th Australasian Port and Harbour Conference (pp. 779-784). Barton, ACT: Engineers Australia.

Western Australian Planning Commission. (1996). Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment No 975/33 St Andrews (Yanchep-Two Rocks), North West Corridor, City of Wanneroo: Technical Report. Western Australian Planning Commission.

Yimin, Ma and Lyons, T. J. (2003). Recirculation of coastal urban air pollution under a synoptic scale thermal trough in Perth, Western Australia. Atmospheric Environment 37(4): 443-454.




Nyoongar/Nyungar People

Green, Neville (ed.). (1979). Nyungar - The People. Aboriginal Customs in the Southwest of Australia. North Perth, W.A.: Creative Research in association with Mt. Lawley College; South Perth, W.A.: distributed by Central Book Agency.

Kauler, L. (1998). Cultural Significance of Aboriginal Sites in the Wanneroo Area. East Perth, Western Australia: Heritage Council of WA.

Palmer, Dave J. (2021). Alkimos Aboriginal Heritage Survey Cultural survey [report]. Prepared by Moodjar Consultancy for Development WA, February 2021.

Tilbrook, Lois. (1983). Nyungar Tradition: Glimpses of Aborigines of South-Western Australia, 1829-1914. Nedlands, W.A.: University of Western Australia Press.



Yanchep National Park

Anderson, Ross, Clarke, John and Cockram, Col. (2007). Dredge wrecks in Loch McNess/Wagardu Lake, Yanchep National Park. Report No. 229. Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Museum & Maritime Archaeology Association of Western Australia (MAAWA)

Andrews, K. (1972), Yanchep (Report of caving trip). Western Caver 12: 6-7.

Anonymous. (1938). Yanchep, the Western Wonderland: 32 Miles from Perth, Western Australia. [Publisher?]. Pamphlet 7 1/2 x 4 1/2", unpaginated, b&w photo illustrations, color pictorial wrappers.

Anonymous. (1990). Chapter 7: Wanneroo Linear Lakes, pp. 87-151. In: Jenny Arnold's Perth Wetlands Resource Book. Environmental Protection Authority and the Water Authority of Western Australia Bulletin 266.

Archer, Michael. (1972). Phascolarctos (Marsupialia, Vombatoidea) and an associated fossil fauna from Koala Cave near Yanchep, Western Australia. Helictite 10(3): 49-59. [General; Marsupials; Rodents]

Archer, Michael. (1974). New information about the Quaternary distribution of the Thylacine (Marsupialia: Thylacinidae) in Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 57(2): 43-50.

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Ayre, D. et al. (1977). A limnological survey of Lakes Jandabup, Joondalup, and Loch McNess. BSc Honours thesis, Zoology Department, WA.

Bastian, Lex V. (1989). Newly indexed caves and entrances in Yanchep National Park. The Western Caver 29: 8-13.

Bastian, Lex V. (1991). The hydrogeology and speleogenesis of Yanchep. Australian Speleological Federation Inc. Preceedings of the 18th Biennal Speleological Conference 1991: 19-24.

Bastian, Lex V. (1996). Speleogenetic Controls at Yanchep. The Western Caver 36: 13-19.

Bastian, Lex V. (2003). Hydrogeology and speleogenesis update, the Yanchep cave area, Western Australia. In Under Way 2003, Proceedings of the 24th Biennial Speleological Conference. Bunbury: Australian Speleological Federation (Vol. 36, p. 44).

Bekle, H. (2003). Indigenous Landscapes: A Case Study of Yanchep National Park, Western Australia. Landscapes: the Journal of the International Centre for Landscape and Language 2(1): Art. 3 [16 pp.].

Blyth, John, Jasinska, Edyta, Mutter, Lyndon, English, Val and Tholen, Paul. (2002). Threatened wildlife of the Yanchep caves. Landscope 17(4): 35-40.

Boucher, B. (2000). Biogeography of a Changing Landscape: Pipidinny Swamp, Yanchep National Park Western Australia. Honours Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia.

Bridge, Peter J. (1963). Yanchep, Western Caver 3(1): 4-6.

Bridge, Peter J. (1968, 1969, 1971). Reports of trips to Wanneroo - Yanchep caves. Western Caver 8(4), 75-76; 128-131: 9(6),124-125 (map): 11(5), 70.

Bridge, Peter J. (1969). Water tracing Yanchep. The Western Caver 13(4): 124-125.

Burking, R. C. and Kessell, A. C. (1988). A review of the CALM [Conservation and Land Management] draft management plan of the Yanchep National Park and proposed extension [beekeeping; Western Australia]. Western Australian Dept. of Agriculture, Perth. Apiculture Branch. 7 pp.

Burt, J. S. (1982a). Aquatic Cavernicoles of the Yanchep Caves. Honours Thesis, Zoology Department, University of Western Australia. Unpublished.

Burt, J. S. (1982b). Aquatic Carvernicoles of The Yanchep Caves. Western Caver.

Chandler, Linley. (1997). The Development of Yanchep Caves as a Tourist Destination, 1900 – 1941. Master of Arts thesis, Murdoch University, Perth, WA.

Chandler, Linley. (2000). The development of Yanchep Park as a tourist destination, 1901-1941. Early Days 11(6): 678-?.

Colebatch, H. (1987), A Cave Cover Up, In Yanchep National Park, Western Australia. Quadrant 31(ll): 70-71.

Congreve, Peter. (1971). Freckled Duck at Yanchep. The Western Australian Naturalist 12(2): 47-48.

Conigrave, C. P. and Woodward, B. H. (1903). Report on the Yanchep Caves, In: Fraser, M.A.C., Notes on Natural History of Western Australia, p. 250.

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Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM). (2001). Yanchep National Park: Perth’s Natural & Cultural Meeting Place. Brochure. Perth WA: CALM.

Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). (2000) Environment Minister Opens New Heart of Yanchep National Park. [Government report]. Retrieved from:

Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). (2005). Protecting Yanchep National Parks Caves Fauna. [Government report]. Retrieved from:

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Department of the Environment and Energy (2017). Approved Conservation Advice for Aquatic Root Mat Community in Caves of the Swan Coastal Plain. Canberra: Department of the Environment and Energy.

Elliot, Ian. (1977). The Discovery and Exploration of the Yanchep Caves, paper read before Royal Western Australia Historical Society, 25 February.

Elphinstone, P. (1982). Yanchep National Park, W.A. Homes & Living, Issue No.3.

English, V., Blyth, J., Jasinska, E., Mutter, L., Bastian, L., Holmes, P., Martin, M., Miotti, J., Stratico, S., Hillman, R., Knott, B., Kite, J., Sanders, C., Briggs, A. and Sands, A. (2000). Interim Recovery Plan Aquatic Root Mat Community of Caves of the Swan Coastal Plain 2000–2003. Interim Recovery Plan No. 74, Western Australian Department of Conservation andLand Management, Western Australia.

English, Val, Jasinska, Edyta and Blyth, John. (2003). Aquatic root mat community of caves of the Swan Coastal Plain, and the Crystal Cave crangonyctoid interim recovery plan 2003-2008. Wanneroo: Department of Conservation and Land Management. [automatic download]

Esfandiar, Kourosh. (2020). Understanding pro-environmental binning behaviour of National Park visitors: A cross-cultural study. Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2020.

Glasson, R. L. (1997). Cave Survey Yanchep National Park. Establishment of water levels with four limestone caves by theodolite survey. Unpublished report to Department of Conservation and Land Management. Perth, Western Australia.

Gordon, D. M. (1975). Studies on the relationship between phytoplankton productivity and phosphorus in three shallow freshwater lakes. B Sc Honours thesis. Department of Botany, University of Western Australia.

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Greay, J. (1993). Yanchep Caves Groundwater Investigation. Unpublished report for Water Authority of Western Australia. Perth.

Grey, G. (1972). Discovery of Caves at Yanchep, Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery... 1837-1839. Reprinted in Western Caver 12(3): 67.

Hamlet, Jo. (1995). The only one in this state: a history of golf in Yanchep National Park. Como, W.A.: Dept. of Conservation & Land Management. 76 pp.

Hamlet, Jo. (1998). The Yanchep Inn 1936-1997. WA: Reader’s World.

Heritage Council of Western Australia. (1988). Heritage Trail – Yaberoo Budjara. [Handout]. Perth, Western Australia: Author.

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Jasinska, E. J. and Knott, Brenton. (1991). Stability of root mat ecosystems in a groundwater stream. Cabaret Cave, Yanchep National Park, Western Australia. Report to ANPWF, ESP project number 46.

Jasinska, E. J. and Knott, Brenton. (2000). Root-driven faunas in cave waters. In: Ecosystems of the World – Subterranean Ecosystems (Ed in Chief D. W. Goodall; Eds H. Wilkens, D.C. Culver and W. F. Humphreys), vol. 30, Chpt 15: 287-307. Elsevier Science B. V., Amsterdam.

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Knott, Brenton and Storey, A. W. (2001). Environmental Monitoring and Investigations – Gnangara Mound. Yanchep Cave Stream Invertebrate Monitoring. Report prepared by Department of Zoology, University of Western Australia for Water and Rivers Commission. Perth, Western Australia.

Lehman, R. J. (1975). Karst Water Characterisation in Aeolian Calcarenite of the Yanchep Area, Western Australia, Thesis, B.A. (Hons.) University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia.

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