
Medemia argun (Mart.) Württemb. ex H.Wendl. (1881:93)

Argun palm, /Urgoun, Dalla



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Areca passalacquae Kunth in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 8: 420 (1826); Hyphaene argun Mart. in Hist. Nat. Palm. 3(ed. 2): 227 (1845); Medemia argum (Martius) Wurtt. ex H.A. Wendl. [orth. error used by Humphreys et al., 2019]; Medemia abiadensis H.Wendl. in Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 39: 93 (1881)


Conservation Status

Described from ancient fruits in an archaeological context in the early 1820's (Cosiaux et al., 2020)

Discovered as a living species in 1837 (Cosiaux et al., 2020)

Last record: 1964 (Boulos, 1968; Cosiaux et al., 2020)

Rediscovered in 1995 (Cosiaux et al., 2020)

IUCN RedListstatus: Vulnerable



Egypt & Sudan


Biology & Ecology










Original scientific description:

Wendland, Hermann. (1881). Beiträge zu den Borassineen. Bot. Zeit. 39: 91-96.


Other references:

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