
Polyscias lydgatei (Hillebr.) Lowry & G.M.Plunkett (2010:74)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status

Rediscovered [by implication]


Known to be extant today (Motley, 2005), but it was previously considered possibly Extinct ("poEX") by (Fosberg & Herbst, 1975:8).


Distribution & Habitat

Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA


Anatomy & Morphology



Biology & Ecology










Fosberg, F. R. and Herbst, Derral R. (1975). Rare and endangered species of Hawaiian vascular plants. Allertonia 1(1): 1-72.

Frodin, D. G. and Govaerts, R. (2003 publ. 2004). World Checklist and Bibliography of Araliaceae: 1-444. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Govaerts, R. H. A. (2011). World checklist of selected plant families published update Facilitated by the Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Lowry, P. P. II (1990). Tetraplasandra, pp. 232-237. In: Wagner, W. L., Herbst, D. R. and Sohmer, S. H. Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawai‘i. University of Hawai‘i Press/Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu.

Lowry, P. P. II and Plunkett, G. M. (2010). Recircumscription of Polyscias (Araliaceae) to include six related genera, with a new infrageneric classification and a synopsis of species. Plant Div. Evol. 128: 55-84.

Motley, T. (2005). Tetraplasandra lydgatei (Araliaceae): Taxonomic Recognition of a Rare, Endemic Species from O`ahu, Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Science 59(1): 105-110.

POWO. (2025). Plants of the World Online (online resource). Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom. Available at: [Accessed 22 March 2025]

Wagner, W. L., Herbst, D. R., Khan, N. and Flynn, T. (2012). Hawaiian vascular plant updates: a supplement to the manual of the flowering plants of Hawai'i and Hawai'i's ferns and fern allies, version 1.3. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA.


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