
Annesorhiza thunbergii B.L.Burtt (1991:181)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Chaerophyllum capense Thunb. in Prodr. Pl. Cap.: 51 (1794)


Conservation Status

Missing (von Staden, 2012) or Extinct (POWO, 2023; Christenhusz & Govaerts, 2024)

Last record: late 1700's (von Staden, L. 2012); 1790's (Christenhusz & Govaerts, 2024)



Humansdorp, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa


Biology & Ecology










Christenhusz, Maarten J. M. and Govaerts, Rafaël. (2023). Uitgestorven. Op plantenjacht rond de wereld: 1-511. Sterck & De Vreese.

Christenhusz, Maarten J. M. and Govaerts, Rafaël. (2024). Plant extinction in the Anthropocene. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. [Appendix S1]

Germishuizen, G. and Meyer, N. L. (eds.). (2003). Plants of Southern Africa an annotated checklist. Strelitzia 14: 1-1231. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.

Goldblatt, P. and Manning, J.C. 2000. Cape Plants: A conspectus of the Cape Flora of South Africa. Strelitzia 9. National Botanical Institute, Cape Town.

Govaerts, R. (2003). World Checklist of Seed Plants Database in ACCESS G: 1-40325.

POWO. (2023). Annesorhiza thunbergii B.L.Burtt. Plants of the World Online (online resource). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom. Available at: [Accessed 13 December 2023]

Raimondo, D., von Staden, L., Foden, W., Victor, J.E., Helme, N.A., Turner, R.C., Kamundi, D.A. and Manyama, P.A. 2009. Red List of South African Plants. Strelitzia 25. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.

Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney, P. M. and Magee, A. R. (2013). African Apiaceae: a synopsis of the Apiaceae/Umbelliferae of Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar: 1- 317. Briza Academic Books, Pretoria.

von Staden, L. (2012). Annesorhiza thunbergii B.L.Burtt. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2017.1. Accessed on 2017/05/31.

Tilney, P.M. and Van Wyk, B.E. 2001. A revision of the genus Annesorhiza (Apiaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 21(6):615-649.


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