Peltophryne lemur Cope, 1869 "1868"
Lowland Caribbean toad, Puerto Rican crested toad
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Last record: 1930 or 1931
Rediscovered in 1966
IUCN RedList status: Critically Endangered
Puerto Rico
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Cope, E. D. (1869 "1868"). Sixth contribution to the herpetology of tropical America. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 20: 305–312.
Other references:
Ariadne Angulo. (2010). Peltophryne lemur. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3. ( Downloaded on 29 January 2015.
Perry, G., and Gerber, G.P. 2006. Conservation of amphibians and reptiles in the British Virgin Islands: Status and patterns. Applied Herpetology: 237-256.
Platenberg, R.J., and Boulon Jr., R.H. 2006. Conservation status of reptiles and amphibians in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Applied Herpetology: 215-235.
Scheffers, Brett R., Yong, Ding Li, Harris, J. Berton C., Giam, Xingli and Sodhi, Navjot S. (2011). The world’s rediscovered species: back from the brink? PLoS ONE 6(7): e22531. [Supporting Information (Table S1)]