Indirana longicrus Rao, 1937:414
Rao's frog
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Philautus longricrus Rao, 1937:414; Indirana longricrus Rao, 1937:414; Philautus crnri Dutta, 1985
Conservation Status
Last record: 1937 or before
Karnataka, India
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Rao, C. R. N. (1937). On some new forms of Batrachia from south India. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Science [1937]: 387-427.
Other references:
Biju, S.D. 2001. A synopsis to the frog fauna of the Western Ghats, India. Occasional Publication 1. ISCB: 1-24.
S.D. Biju, Sushil Dutta, Robert Inger. 2004. Indirana longicrus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2004: e.T58313A11763661. Downloaded on 24 January 2016.
Bossuyt, F. and Dubois, A. 2001. A review of the frog genus Philautus Gistel, 1848 (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae, Rhacophorinae). Zeylanica: 1-112.
Dubois, A. 1999. Invited editorial / Book review - South Asian Amphibia: a new frontier for taxonomists. Journal of South Asian Natural History: 8.
Dutta, S.K. 1997. Amphibians of India and Sri Lanka. Odyssey Publishing House, Bhubaneswar.