Dendrophryniscus proboscideus (Boulenger, 1882)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Rhamphophryne proboscidea Boulenger, 1882; Rhinella boulengeri Chaparro et al., 2007
Conservation Status
Last record: 1936
Rediscovered in 26 April 2000
Brazil & Salvador
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Boulenger, G. A. (1882). Catalogue of the Batrachia Salienta S. Ecaudata in the collection of the British Museum. 2nd ed. London, British Museum.
Other references:
Chaparro, J. C.; Pramuk, J. B.; Gluesenkamp, A. G.; Frost, D. R. (2007). Secondary homonymy of Bufo proboscideus Spix, 1824, with Phryniscus proboscideus Boulenger, 1882. Copeia. 2007 (4): 1029.
Feio, R. N., B. V. S. Pimenta, and D. L. Silvano. (2003). Rediscovery and biology of Rhamphophryne proboscidea (Boulenger, 1882) (Anura, Bufonidae). Amphibia-Reptilia 24(1): 108-112.