
Branta canadensis maxima Delacour, 1951

Giant Canada goose, Giant prairie goose



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status

Rediscovered in 1962





Biology & Ecology










Original scientific description:

Delacour, J. (1951). Preliminary note on the taxonomy of Canada geese, Branta canadensis. American Museum Novitiates 1537: 1-10.

Other references:

Ankney, C. Davison. (1996). An Embarrassment of Riches: Too Many Geese. The Journal of Wildlife Management 60(2): 217-223.

Anonymous. (1964). List of rare birds, including those thought to be so but of which detailed information is still lacking. IUCN Bulletin 10(Special Supplement): 4 pp.

Hanson, Harold C. (1997). The Giant Canada Goose (2nd. ed.). Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press. 252 pp.

Heller, Bradley James. (2010). Analysis of Giant Canada Goose Band Recovery Data in Iowa and the Mississippi Flyway. MSc thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.

Kreeger, T. J. and Walser, M. M. (1984). Carpometacarpal Deformity in Giant Canada Geese (Branta canadensis maxima Delacour). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 20(3): 245-248.

Mackenzie, John P. S. (1977). Birds in Peril: A Guide to the Endangered Birds of the United States and Canada. Toronto: Pagurian Press.

Rising, Gerry. (2003?). On "Subspecies" of the Canada Goose. Published in The Kingfisher?

Schaible, D., Dieter, C. D., Losco, R. and Mammenga, P. (2005). Quantifying crop damage by giant Canada geese in Day County, South Dakota, 2003, pp. 259-264. Proc. South Dakota Acad. Sci. South Dakota Academy of Sciences.


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